This is the piece that inspired the whole Emanate Joy project back in the spring.
This piece, “Unexpected Friendship”, was originally created for a project at work. (My day job is a full-time graphic designer for a corporate company.)
My supervisor started up a project called, “Weeklies”. Each week he would give myself and my co-workers a theme, and we would spend an hour creating something to go with the theme. Then at the end of the week we would gather and present our pieces to each other.
The project was initiated for three reasons: to ignite creativity and passion, to gain skills using alternative mediums from our usual mediums we use at work, and to practice our presenting skills.
This particular week we were given the theme “Unexpected”. I had just received some special pastel pencils in the mail, so I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to practice with them, since I had never worked with pastel pencils before.
Drawing animals has always been my favourite, so it was a no-brainer that my subject would include an animal or two.
You always hear stories of two animals becoming friends that you would never expect – the chick and the kitten, the fawn and the bunny, the lion and the bear … and that is what sparked this unexpected friendship! The puppy and the calf.
The piece took me a total of 2 hours and was by far my favourite Weeklies piece I had ever created.
It was so simple, adorable and a lot of fun.
Working on this piece ignited that familiar, magical joy I long for with everything I create.
This past spring I was missing that magical joy. I was keeping plenty busy with tons of projects, but I knew I needed a project that consistently allowed me to tap into that space of sparkling joy.
I remembered the Weeklies project, and the “Unexpected Friendship” piece. A piece that took only 2 hours and created so much joy for me … low and behold the Emanate Joy project was born!
A project that started out weekly and has now turned into monthly – due to each piece taking longer than 2 hours lol – however, it ensures I consistently create! And consistently tap into that space of joy! It also allows me to spread my joy, through sharing my inspiration, experiences and creations that I pour so much joy into.
I hope you enjoy this piece, Unexpected friendship, and I hope you look forward to more joyful pieces to come! I know I can’t wait to create them.
If you have enjoyed any of my Emanate Joy pieces, prints are available to purchase online here.
Or, if you live close to Minnedosa, MB prints are available at Inspire Studio!
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. 🙂